About this event:
Building Trades Network is excited to host our third social event of 2023 at Karl Strauss Brewing Company in Anaheim! Thursday September 14th from 5PM to 7PM.

These events are just one of the ways in which Building Trades Network engages with and gives back to the community that we all hold dear! As part of our commitment to giving back the community your ticket will go towards supporting Mercy House.

Signup and pay here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-trades-network-summer-mixer-september-14th-2023-5-7-pm-tickets-686982080897?aff=oddtdtcreator

Mercy House’s mission is to be a leader in ending homelessness by providing a unique system of dignified housing opportunities, programs, and supportive services.

We will also have a special speaker Johnny Bryant, Building Trade Network member and proud owner of ASL Electric, who will be talking about the importance of maintaining your electrical systems and the value of the new “smart devices” coming to market.

Join us after work and enjoy lively conversations, great food, and opportunities to network and grow your business!

What You Get for your $15.00:

Opportunity to introduce your business to 50 business owners in the construction field.
Introduction to the most valuable contractors network in SoCall.
Access to new business opportunities.
First round of beverages is provided by BTN.
A generous quantity of appetizers is provided by BTN.
Parking is Free and readily available.
The knowledge that you have helped to provide permanent housing for someone in Orange County.
As a reminder, these events are becoming increasingly popular and we have to limit the number of attendees.

Make sure you sign up early and if for some reason you are not able to attend please let us know so that folks on the waiting list are able to attend as well!

For more information about Building Trades Network and Mercy House watch the videos below!

From all of us at Building Trades Network we want to thank you for helping us to make these events so successful!

https://buildingtradesnetwork.com/ ; https://www.mercyhouse.net/


September 14


05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/building-trades-network/events/295379240

Building Trades Network

Email: Building-Trades-Network-list@meetup.com Website: https://www.meetup.com/building-trades-network/

Karl Strauss Brewing Company

2390 E Orangewood Ave #100

Anaheim, CA, US, 92806