President & CEO of Affinity24

With over 33 years of sales and industry expertise, founder Garrett Logan is a top Merchant Service Provider and ISO. Garrett has led his company in serving over 35,000 merchant accounts, with over 10,000 of those accounts having been sold and served by him personally!
As a Master of sales with passion for teaching eager individuals, Garrett is committed to the success of his affiliates and company. He is also involved with churches/non-profits and has developed a successful program to give back to each of them.

Based out of Tustin, CA, Affinity24 has served over 35,000 merchants to date. Under the same ownership as Cutting Edge Bank Card Services Inc (est. 1991), Affinity24 was founded as a sister company in 2014 to help solve the issues of credit card fraud and transaction security that faced an ever expanding market. With state-of-the-art point of sale solutions, credit card terminals, and payment gateways, we utilize our 33 year long relationships with the industry’s top national corporations to give merchants the highest standard in payment acceptance and customer support at the most competitive rate. We pride ourselves on partnership, excellence, respect, and integrity!
To do all for the Glory and Praise of God the Father! Paul said it best when he address the church in Corinth in his first epistle, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31
Under Christian ownership, we at Affinity24 believe that it is our effectual calling as born again believers (John 3:3, 2 Cor 5:17) to live out our faith in complete submission to the objective wisdom and truth of God’s divine word (Romans 12:1-4). Thus, in everything we do, whether it be our relationships, hobbies, or in this case, our vocations, we believe by the grace of God it is quintessential that we do all things with a heart that honors the great commission (Matt 28:16-20) and seeks not our own advantage but that of God’s will (James 4:13-15, 1 Cor 10:33). This mission has led us to adopting pivotal business practices as it pertains to the merchant processing industry. For example, we do not have contracts with our merchants. Rather we operate as a month to month service where the merchant is free to cancel at anytime. Also, from the day you sign your agreement we lock in your rates and never raise them.
Additionally, we give you a direct line to our In-House support team to tend to your processing needs. That being said, operating in a highly competitive business industry, we believe these biblical principles of humble servitude and business integrity has allowed us to separate from the rest of the competition while subsequently giving us the unique opportunity to minister the gospel message of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior through our day-to-day business interactions.